What to look for in a sensitive data discovery tool

July 23, 2024

Organizations have common concerns about sensitive data discovery. They include, costs, accuracy, data privacy, scalability and  integration with existing systems. As experts in this field we believe any solution must  address each of these concerns effectively and efficiently.


One of the primary concerns with sensitive data discovery is the accuracy of the results. The tools used to identify data must be able to accurately distinguish between sensitive and non-sensitive data, avoiding false positives and negatives which can result in non-sensitive data being flagged as sensitive or worse by having sensitive data being overlooked.

Data Privacy

Sensitive data discovery involves scanning data stores and systems to identify sensitive information, which can raise privacy concerns. Organizations need to ensure that the software products they are using comply with data protection regulations and that sensitive data is not being exposed.


For large enterprises with vast amounts of data, sensitive data discovery can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. Organizations need to ensure that their sensitive data discovery software can scale to accommodate growing amounts of data and are supported by a repeatable well defined process.

Integration with Existing Systems

Sensitive data discovery tools need to search data in various different systems, including  those using cloud-based storage and newer database platforms. Data discovery must work seamlessly with all your existing systems in order to ensure data privacy has been implemented correctly.


The cost of implementing sensitive data discovery tools and processes can be significant, particularly for larger organizations with numerous data sources.  However the benefit of using AI technology to help control these costs will save time and money.


Meet C² Data Privacy

With C² Data Privacy, you can easily connect to existing systems, find and identify sensitive data within your data, understand what was found, and apply the discovered insights to your data privacy initiatives to comply with regulations.

C² Data Privacy connects to your data sources and scans for sensitive information using machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide users with thorough and accurate results.  To avoid false positives and negatives, C² Data Privacy uses multiple layers of analysis to determine whether a data element is truly sensitive.

The interactive user interface provides visual aids to help you understand the specifics of what sensitive data was found.  Viewing the results at the data source level or at the individual element level helps you focus on what is most important. Once you have identified your sensitive data you can decide how you want to secure it.  You can use C² Data Privacy encryption feature or feed what you learned into your preferred data privacy tool  to comply with regulations such as Gramm Leach Bliley, HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR, and PCI-DSS.